By: Wanny

What is Protohistory Archaeology?  No idea?


       Protohistory archaeology refers to the study of societies and cultures that existed in the period between prehistory and history, characterized by the emergence of written records and the development of early complex societies. It focuses on the archaeological investigation of civilizations that had limited or no written documentation but left behind material remains and cultural artifacts that provide insights into their social, economic, and political structures. Protohistory typically covers the transitional period leading up to the development of fully documented historical societies. An example of protohistory archaeology is the study of the Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan Civilization) that existed in the Indian subcontinent between approximately 2600 BCE and 1900 BCE. The Indus Valley Civilization was a complex society with urban centers, sophisticated drainage systems, and a script that has not yet been deciphered. The archaeological investigation of its ruins, artifacts, and cultural practices has provided valuable insights into the social organization, trade networks, and possible reasons for the decline of this ancient civilization.  


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